9’ x 12’ Pale Green and Cream Decorative Area Rug

homeroots home decor

SKU: HR395913

Combining traditional patterns with a soft modern palette, this Pale Green and Cream Decorative Area Rug exhibits a blend of the old and new world to be a timeless piece on the floor. The subtle shades of green and cream creating blissful decorative designs with a traditional border around the edges that add to a sense of serenity into any space. Hand-tufted with a wool and cotton blend for increased strength and durability, and the insulation property aids in temperature regulation in cold and warm conditions. The medium pile construction offers just the right balance of warmth and texture to the piece to experience a cozy and inviting feel every time you step on it. Place this beautiful area rug against a wooden or tile floor and it will te together the aesthetics of its surrounding decors. 108” x 144” x 0.5”