7’ x 10’ Yellow Triangular Lattice Area Rug

HomeRoots Home Decor

SKU: HR393040

Capturing the aesthetics of Mid-century modern styling, this Yellow Triangular Lattice Area Rug features a cheerful color palette to enliven any modern or contemporary living space. The skillfully designed two-toned triangular motifs in shades of yellow, gray, and white create a visual illusion that allures the gaze. Flaunting the finest craftsmanship of Turkish aritsans, this rug is made of 100% polypropylene fibers that ensure enhanced durability to last for ages while resisting stains from typical spillage in a busy household. The soft and smooth surface comes from the low pile construction to provide a comfortable underfoot while you enjoy some quality time with your loved ones. Accentuate an airy ambiance into your living place with this simple yet gleeful area rug rolled on the floor that will make any dull area come alive. 115” x 79” x 0.4”