2’ x 4’ Blue Distressed Floral Area Rug

homeroots home decor

SKU: HR392911

Combining traditional patterns with on-trend hues, this Blue Distressed Floral Area Rug will be a timeless addition to your contemporary or conventional home. Crammed with distressed floral motifs in blues and whites while some are popping up in yellow for visual interest. Made in Turkey with 100% polypropylene to ensure durability for years and resist stains while being easy to clean. This rug will stand up to wear and tear but won’t fade or get stained easily. The low pile construction adds to a smooth and soft surface texture that offers a luxurious feel every time you step on it. Induce a cheerful ambiance into your living space with this classic area rug rolled on the floor. 43” x 27” x 0.4”