8’ x 10’ Blue and Beige Toned Area Rug

homeroots home decor

SKU: HR395501

Staying true to simplicity and sophistication, this Blue and Beige Toned Area Rug will tie together the aesthetics of any modern, traditional, casual, or countryside styling. Blending a soft blue shade with hints of beige creating a two-toned shiny effect that allures the gaze. The fusion of jute and cotton increases the durability of this piece against wear and tear while being water-resistant and easy to clean. Ideal for areas with medium to high foot traffic, this rug offers a smooth and comfortable underfoot due to its flatweave construction. Accentuating modern grace and traditional trace in color and texture, this versatile area rug will be a great addition to any part of your home. 93” x 117” x 0.5”